Olivia Norquist

Olivia Norquist



Based in Minnesota, Olivia Norquist is a visual artist who is inspired by the simple beauty of her “flyover” state. For Norquist, creating artwork is an exercise in both attention and meditation. Her primary mediums are watercolor and printmaking. After graduating Gustavus with a BA in Studio Art, she hopes to become an elementary school art teacher.



I am inspired by the beauty of the everyday: from walks in the woods to things I notice out the car window. Growing up during the Sixth Great Extinction has led me to care deeply about the diverse plant and animal life that I share this planet with.



@ Betsy Byer's Studio - 202 N 3rd St, Saint Peter, MN ♿️
(NOTE: Studio is located in the back yard, come in the side gate on chestnut and look for the small outbuilding with the sign)
artist/studio phone: 262.261.3798
Instagram: www.instagram.com/olivias.diys/
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
web: www.olivianorquistart.com/


26 June 2024


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

This event is made possible with funds provided by the Saint Peter Tourism and Visitors Bureau.

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